Judge Expected To Rule In Wrongful Death Case

A Pennsylvania judge is getting ready to make a decision about whether or not to dismiss a lawsuit filed by a woman who lost her husband. The case started when Anthony Cantafio was working as a volunteer for football games in the Valley View School District. Cantafio was a statistician and was working on the sidelines when a player ran into him.

When he was struck by the player, Cantafio fell backward and hit his head on the asphalt running surface that surrounds the football field.

The lawsuit filed by his widow contends that the architect and contractor who designed the field were negligent because “they placed the asphalt surface too close to the field.” Attorneys for the school district say they are immune from liability under state law. They also say that Cantafio knew there was a risk of injury.

At the Dan Doyle Law Group, we do not know how this case will end, but it does highlight the complexities of certain cases. If you need an experienced wrongful death lawyer, you can count on our qualified and experienced team to be by your side.

What Can Happen?

In the case above, we are sure that many aspects of what happened were examined. For example:

  • Why was a statistician on the field?
  • Was there a press box available for him to use?
  • How close was the asphalt to the playing field and sideline?
  • Was Cantafio warned of the possible dangers he faced?

Wrongful death cases can become incredibly complex and they arise in many different ways. Any time someone else’s negligence contributes to a person’s death, a family member of the deceased, or their estate, can bring a wrongful death charge. This can be against individuals, companies, agencies, government entities, and more.

We commonly see these cases arise in the following ways:

  • Vehicle accidents involving drunk or distracted drivers (including pedestrian and bicycle incidents).
  • Work incidents in which an employer did not take proper safety steps.
  • Preventable medical errors made by healthcare professionals.
  • Faulty products make it to the hands of consumers.
  • Encounters with law enforcement.
  • Domestic violence or other criminal acts.

Please know that this list is not complete. You should always seek assistance from a qualified attorney before making any decisions about moving forward.

What You Can Do Now

If you think that the negligence of another person or group has caused the death of your loved one, then you should seek legal assistance. At the Dan Doyle Law Group, we will work tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve. This can include:

  • Coverage of funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of future income and benefits
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Punitive damages

If you need a wrongful death attorney in Philadelphia, you can contact us by clicking here or calling 215-987-3730 for a free consultation. We know that no amount of money will ease your pain, but it can help you find some closure.