Some products cause injury when they are used improperly or when users carelessly overlook the natural risks using such products may involve. However, some products harm victims because of defects, design flaws, or similar examples of negligence.

Victims may be eligible to recover compensation for such losses as their medical bills in these instances. If you believe you or a loved one were harmed in an accident when using a product because another party was negligent, review your case with a Chester County, PA product liability attorney at Dan Doyle Law Group to learn more about your legal options.

Who May Be Liable in a Chester County Product Liability Case?

The liable parties responsible for compensating victims when products cause harm can vary depending on the circumstances. The following are several common examples:

Product designers

Sometimes, products have inherent flaws that render them potentially unsafe even when used properly. In these instances, the negligent party is often determined to be the designers who overlooked these flaws.

Product manufacturers

A product may be designed for safety. Despite this, during the manufacturing process, defects might be overlooked. It is often the manufacturer of a product who is liable when said product causes harm as a result of these defects.

Product marketers

Again, some products naturally carry the risk of causing harm, particularly if they are not used as they should be. Thus, those responsible for designing the product’s packaging and marketing materials must ensure consumers are warned of any risks associated with using them and are provided with thorough and accurate safety instructions. Victims may be eligible to recover compensation when those marketing a product negligently fail to provide this information.

How a Chester County Product Liability Law Firm Helps

There are several reasons to review your case with a Chester County product liability lawyer. First, you need an expert to confirm your case is valid. The fact that you were injured when using a product does not always mean you have grounds to seek compensation by filing a claim or lawsuit.

For example, when you use a ladder, you should know there is a chance you will fall and injure yourself. If you’re harmed in a fall from a ladder, you may be able to recover compensation if it can be shown, for instance, that your fall occurred as a result of a defect. You can’t likely recover compensation if you fell merely because you tripped over your own clothing or were in some capacity distracted.

We will review your case for free to determine if your injury resulted from someone else’s negligence. If it appears this is so, and you decide to hire us, we will investigate the accident, gathering evidence to show you would not have been harmed had a product’s designers, manufacturers, or marketers not been careless.

Most importantly, we will offer aggressive representation when negotiating with the insurance company. This is key to optimizing your chances of recovering the full amount of compensation you deserve.

Contact a Chester County Product Liability Attorney Today

At Dan Doyle Law Group, representing victims in Chester County product liability cases, we are committed to fighting for your rights. We apply proven tactics so the insurance company doesn’t take advantage of you. Learn more by contacting us online or calling us at 215-987-3730 to schedule your free consultation.