Riding a bicycle is an excellent way to get in some exercise and see the sights of the city. Whether you ride as part of your daily commute or just enjoy riding for leisure, it is important to stay safe while on the roadways. Unfortunately, despite any precautions taken, accidents can and do occur—according to data published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, cyclist deaths has been on the rise each year since 2014. If you are injured in a bike crash, we urge you to reach out to a bike accident lawyer in Philadelphia at Dan Doyle Law Group to discuss your legal options. In the meantime, here are some safety tips every cyclist should know.
It goes without saying that you want to ride a bicycle that is in good working order, but not every cyclist is diligent about checking their equipment before going for a ride. Make certain that tires are aired up, reflectors are clean, headlights and tail lights are functional, and that any modifications or attachments (such as water bottle holders, baskets, or trailers) are firmly attached each time you ride. Malfunctioning equipment can be a major safety hazard, and taking the extra few minutes to ensure your bike and your gear are in good condition could make the difference between a safe ride and an injurious one.
Know the laws pertaining to bicyclists in your area, and follow those laws. Bicyclist laws are put in place to make sure that cyclists, pedestrians and motorists can all share the roadways safely, so do your part and obey the laws. Avoid taking “shortcuts” such as riding on sidewalks intended for pedestrian use only or rolling through stop signs when the way visually appears to be clear. By following these laws, you are doing your part to make sure that you and everyone else sharing the road get to your destinations safe and sound.
Although state law dictates that only certain reflectors are required on bicycles and only at certain times of day (such as a red rear reflector being used from dusk until dawn), using extra reflectors is always a good idea, even during the daylight hours. If the weather takes a turn during the day and visibility becomes poor, having more reflectors installed on your bike (or worn on your person, as with reflective vests or other reflective clothing) can help other people on the road see you.
Despite your best efforts at safe cycling, it is still possible to get into an accident through no fault of your own. If you were injured while cycling and need a bicycle accident attorney in Philadelphia, the attorneys at Dan Doyle Law Group can help you with your legal case. As a victim, you may be entitled to receive damages in the form of a cash award. Document any medical bills or lost wages due to recuperation that resulted from your accident and call or click for a no-cost case evaluation.