Millions of gymgoers attend their local gym for years without even thinking even for a second about the likelihood of getting injured while working out. Sure, many of them are convinced that there is no way they can sustain an injury at the gym because their form and technique are impeccable.

However, oftentimes, gym injuries have nothing to do with your form or technique, because no matter how proper your technique is when performing bench presses, lat pulldowns, triceps pushdowns, or biceps curls, injuries are bound to happen if the barbells, dumbbells, pulleys, handles, machines, and other gym equipment is defective, faulty, or otherwise unsafe.

Statistically speaking, faulty and improperly maintained fitness and gym equipment is responsible for about 9,000 gym injuries across the U.S. each year. “More often than not, gym equipment-related accidents are caused by manufacturing and design defects, improper use, or the gym’s failure to properly inspect and maintain the equipment and machines available for use,” says our Philadelphia defective or faulty gym equipment attorney at Dan Doyle Law Group.

Dangerous and defective gym equipment and machines

Each and every piece of gym equipment requires frequent inspection and routine maintenance, because these pieces of equipment and machines are used by hundreds of people each day. Although any piece of equipment or any machine at your gym can be defective, faulty, or otherwise dangerous without you realizing it, the following pieces of gym equipment are most commonly associated with gym injuries:

  • Treadmill
  • Elliptical machine
  • Stair machine
  • Rowing machine
  • Pulling machine
  • Benches
  • Pulleys and handles

Causes of injuries caused by faulty or dangerous gym equipment

Our skilled product liability lawyer explains that gym injuries caused by fitness and workout equipment are usually the result of:

  • Inadequate spacing between machines or gym equipment- Gyms want to offer a variety of gym equipment and make them available to all gymgoers at any time of day, even during the rush hours, when nearly every machine or piece of gym equipment has a line of gymgoers waiting for their turn to lift weights and exercise. Squeezing more gym equipment and machines than a gym can handle or providing inadequate spacing between pieces of gym equipment makes it impossible for people to exercise or move around safely without coming in contact with machines or equipment used by other members of the gym.
  • Inadequate instructions- Each and every piece of equipment and machine in your gym comes with a label that features instructions and safety precautions while exercising. Unfortunately, not all of these instructions are clear or adequate.
  • Improper installation or maintenance- Installing a piece of gym equipment that can weigh tons of pounds is an art in itself, and so is maintaining those pieces of gym equipment and machines that can be used by hundreds of members of the gym daily. Routine inspections are required by law to identify broken, faulty, malfunctioning, defective, and otherwise unsafe workout machines and stationary machines.
  • Unsanitary conditions- After working out, many gymgoers take a shower at the gym. As you can guess, gyms have a duty to regularly maintain and clean those showers to prevent accidents, infections, and other harm caused by unsanitary conditions. The same can be said about surfaces that are touched by hundreds of gymgoers each day. These surfaces include handlebars, grips, cables, and a plethora of others that must be disinfected and cleaned regularly.

Many gym goers find it difficult to prove that their gym failed to prevent their injury on the property by exercising a high standard of care. For this reason, you may want to consult with a Philadelphia gym equipment liability lawyer from Dan Doyle Law Group to find your legal strategy and build a strong case. Call our offices for a free case evaluation.