No one wants to be involved in a car accident, but the reality is those vehicle accidents are not uncommon in and around the Philadelphia area. In many cases, car accident injuries are immediately apparent, and victims seek medical care as soon as possible. However, there are times when various car accident injuries are delayed and may not show signs and symptoms for hours or days after the incident occurs. Here, we want to discuss what you need to do if you experience delayed car accident injuries to ensure that you are fairly compensated.
In the aftermath of a car accident, it is not uncommon for a person to experience no pain whatsoever, even if they have sustained an injury. This is due to the adrenaline flowing through the body immediately after a crash. However, the signs and symptoms of many car accident injuries do not become apparent for hours or even days after the incident occurred. Even then, a victim may write them off as a typical car accident “soreness.”
We cannot overstate the importance of seeking medical attention in the aftermath of any car accident. You need to let a trained physician conduct an evaluation and determine whether or not you have been injured and the severity of the injuries.
However, if you did not seek immediate medical care after a car accident, but subsequently realize that you have sustained a delayed injury, you can still recover compensation, though the process will be a bit more challenging.
There are various types of car accident injuries that may be delayed hours or even days after the incident occurs. This can include soft-tissue injuries. The most common type of soft-tissue injury after a car accident is whiplash, which refers to injuries to the neck and upper back that occur when the body is forcefully thrown forward and backwards or side to side.
Concussions are another type of injury that can result in delayed symptoms for a victim. In many cases, a mild traumatic brain injury can go undetected for some time but result in a serious medical emergency.
Finally, cases of internal bleeding may not be discovered for some time after the accident occurs. Non-penetrating trauma can result in various types of internal injuries or bleeding and can lead to a serious medical emergency or death.
If you or somebody you care about has experienced delayed injuries in a car accident that was caused by somebody else’s negligence, contact the team at the Dan Doyle Law Group for help today. Our qualified and experienced attorneys will conduct a full investigation into your case in order to secure any compensation you are entitled to. This can include:
When you need a Philadelphia car accident lawyer, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 215-987-3730.