Most people who ride motorcycles understand the importance of exercising extreme caution when doing so. Statistically, when a motorcycle rider is involved in an accident on the road, they are 29 times more likely to die than they would be in an enclosed vehicle. Because motorcycles don’t have external metal frames protecting riders and occupants, when motorcycle riders are involved in accidents, they are often thrown from their vehicles, which significantly increases their odds of being injured.

Again, if you ride a motorcycle, you likely appreciate why you need to make responsible choices to protect your own safety. That doesn’t mean you’ll never be involved in a motorcycle accident. If another driver is negligent in some capacity, you could be harmed despite taking all necessary precautions.

Contact a legal professional right away if this ever happens to you. You can likely recover compensation for your medical bills and other such losses by filing a claim or lawsuit if you can prove you would not have been injured had someone else not been careless. Our Chester County, PA motorcycle accident attorneys at the Dan Doyle Law Group are prepared to help you do so.

How Negligent Drivers Cause Motorcycle Accidents in Chester County

The potential forms of negligence that may result in a driver causing a motorcycle accident are wide-ranging. They include (but are not limited to) the following:


Other Forms of Negligence Resulting in Chester County Motorcycle Accidents

The careless party who causes a motorcycle accident will usually be someone else on the road. However, that’s not always the case. There are also some rare circumstances when the liable party responsible for causing a Chester County motorcycle accident is not a motorist. For instance, you might be involved in such an accident if:

  • The designer or manufacturer of your vehicle didn’t properly identify and correct a defect;
  • A negligent pedestrian darts into your path, forcing you to swerve to avoid them;
  • You encounter a hazardous road condition that should have been already addressed by a government agency.

This is one of many reasons it is important to have a Chester County motorcycle accident lawyer on your side when pursuing compensation. An experienced professional can thoroughly investigate your case to identify any and all liable parties. In order to recover compensation, you must first gather evidence showing certain parties carelessly allowed your accident to occur. A lawyer will handle this task on your behalf.

Contact a Chester County Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

We at the Dan Doyle Law Group understand how devastating the experience of being harmed in a motorcycle accident can be. If your accident resulted from another’s negligence, we will aggressively seek compensation accordingly. Learn more about how we can help by calling us at 215-987-3730 or contacting us online to schedule your free consultation.