When you think of car accidents, you probably think of fender benders. Maybe a side-impact collision. We know that these occur, but perhaps nothing is scarier than getting into a rollover accident.
When a rollover accident occurs, the driver and passengers lose all control of the situation and the injuries are often catastrophic. At the Dan Doyle Law Group, we want to help you in the aftermath. When you need a West Chester rollover accident attorney, you can count on our team to work diligently to secure the compensation you deserve for all of your accident-related expenses.
We want to look at the latest report from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. For the latest reporting year, we know that there were over 128,000 vehicle accidents reported. Out of those, more than there were more than 6,500 rollover accidents.
Rollover crashes tend to result in severe injuries because of the velocity at which they occur. For a vehicle to rollover, it usually requires an impact between two or more vehicles moving at a high rate of speed. Often, a vehicle rolls over multiple times before coming to a complete stop and this can mean the passengers experience extended trauma.
If someone involved in a rollover accident is not wearing a seatbelt, the results are often fatal. Commonly, we see the following types of injuries in rollover crashes:
In these crashes, extrication is sometimes needed to get people out of their vehicles which can delay the time it takes to get the required medical attention. Any delay with the injuries above can mean long-term disability or death for a victim.
Rollover accidents usually occur because of a high-speed impact. These can happen in a variety of ways:
We know that you have so much to deal with in the aftermath of a serious car accident, especially one that was caused by another person’s negligence. That is why we want to help. At the Dan Doyle Law Group, our personal injury experts will investigate what happened in your case, deal with insurance companies, and secure the compensation you deserve for all of your accident-related expenses. This can include:
When you need a West Chester rollover accident attorney, you can contact us by clicking here or calling 215-987-3730 for a free consultation. We know you have enough to handle, so let us help while you heal.