When you hit the road each day, the last thing you think about is getting into an accident. You drive safely and you are observant of the conditions around you. Sometimes, though, accidents are out of our control. When an accident involved a large truck, it can be particularly scary and the potential for injury is much higher.
When we say big trucks, we are talking about the large commercial vehicles you see on the roadway, the kind that typically handle hauling, delivery, or some other large job. If you’ve been involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle, you may need a truck accident lawyer. The Dan Doyle Law Group is ready to help you deal with cases like this.
Think about whether or not you see any of these types of trucks when you are on the roadway:
These trucks are everywhere and provide valuable services. They are also supposed to undergo regular inspections and have drivers who are trained to operate such large vehicles. If inspections are missed or skipped, or a driver makes a mistake, accidents can happen and they can be devastating.
In 2017, there were nearly 7,000 crashes involving heavy trucks in Pennsylvania. Out of those, 145 involved fatal injuries. Some of the accidents occurred in ways you may not think about, such as tires and wheels coming loose. Others were related to brake and power train failure.
If a driver is impaired by drugs or alcohol or distracted by their phones, the potential for injury increases.
When a large truck gets into an accident, it can impact dozens of vehicles at once because of its size and weight. Injuries and damages can be extreme. In the aftermath of an accident with a large truck, you will have many questions. If you or a loved one are injured, you may wonder what your next step should be.
Most large trucks on the roadway operate safely, but we understand that sometimes those trucks malfunction or the drivers are negligent. You will have questions that can be hard to answer.
Is the company or person who owned the truck liable for damages or injuries?
Will insurance cover all of the expenses?
Can it be proved that the driver was negligent?
If there is a short or long-term disability that causes you to miss work after an accident with a large truck, you may wonder if you can recover compensation for lost income.
If you’ve been in an accident involving a truck, seek medical treatment immediately. Call the police so a report can be made and keep all documents involving the accident.
After that, you may need a truck accident attorney in West Chester. At the Dan Doyle Law Group, our experienced attorneys are ready to advocate on your behalf. Someone else’s negligence shouldn’t alter your life forever and we will help you get back on track.
You can contact us by clicking here or calling 215-987-3730 for a free consultation.