Nothing can compare to the unbearable grief experienced by surviving family members after the loss of a loved one. But the negative feelings can intensify when your family member died through no fault of his or her own.
When another party’s fault is responsible for your loved one’s death, you may be able to bring a wrongful death claim, regardless of whether that party is an individual, company, or even the government.
In addition to the mental anguish, emotional distress, and grief, a wrongful death almost always involves financial implications, which makes it even more important to get help from a wrongful death lawyer to pursue legal action.
If you and the rest of the surviving family members lost a loved one as a result of another party’s negligence, wrongdoing, or recklessness, you might be entitled to seek compensation for your losses and damages.
Most wrongful death cases are complicated and require assistance from a skilled lawyer. For a family that is already devastated as they mourn the death of their loved, trying to figure out how Pennsylvania’s wrongful death laws work is the last thing on their mind.
That is why hiring a Bensalem wrongful death lawyer from Dan Doyle Law Group is often the most optimal way to secure the monetary support that the surviving family members need. An experienced attorney will review your case and offer advice on which legal strategy suits your case to hold the negligent party or wrongdoer responsible for their actions or lack of action.
When pursuing monetary compensation after the death of your family members, there are two different types of civil actions to take. When a family member is wrongfully killed by the negligent actions or lack of action by another individual or entity, you have the option to file a survival action and/or wrongful death claim.
A survival action deals with the losses the decedent had sustained after the incident that caused his or her life-threatening injuries and before the death. A wrongful death claim focuses on compensating the decedent’s surviving family members for the losses and damages caused by their loved one’s death.
In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations for both types of civil actions is two years. In some cases, it might make sense to file both a survival action and wrongful death claims. But before you do, it is essential that you consult with a Bensalem wrongful death attorney.
In Pennsylvania, a personal representative of the decedent’s estate or executor of his or her will has the primary right to bring a wrongful death claim. The claim is being brought on behalf of all surviving family members who are eligible to receive compensation.
If the personal representative fails to pursue a wrongful death action within six months of the date of the death, the decedent’s spouse, children, parents, domestic partner or anyone financially dependent on the decedent will have the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit.
In general, damages available in wrongful death lawsuits include medical expenses associated with the decedent’s fatal injury before death, if any, burial and funeral costs, loss of future income and benefits, loss of consortium, loss of the partnership, loss of services and guidance, and many more.
Being represented by a Bensalem wrongful death lawyer guarantees that all the available types of damages in your particular case will be identified and you will receive maximum compensation for all your losses and damages.
Contact our attorneys at Dan Doyle Law Group to discuss your case in a free consultation.
Call at 215-987-3730 or complete our contact form.